Karen Steinhauser
Attorney • Implicit Bias Trainer
Having a bias doesn’t make a person “bad,” but the inability to recognize it in ourselves and others can lead to bad decisions at work, in relationships and in life. Are you ready to interrupt and overcome it?
What is Implicit or
Hidden Bias?
Karen Steinhauser—a judge, attorney and former prosecutor—first began to analyze the effect of hidden biases while teaching advocacy skills as they pertain to jury selection. She encountered many preconceptions associated with stereotypes: teachers were too soft; engineers and scientists were too rigid; older people were too judgmental; younger people too immature. Recognizing these beliefs were coming from the unconscious parts of the brain, she began asking questions and delving deeper.
Why You Need
Implicit Bias Training
How does implicit or unconscious bias affect our day-to-day lives? The reality is that each of us, no matter how open-minded we think we are, possess hidden prejudgments that influence our behavior and cause us to jump to conclusions. While having a bias doesn’t make a person “bad,” and not every bias is negative or hurtful, the inability to recognize biases can lead to bad decisions at work, in relationships and in life.
What People Are Saying About Karen…
“During her presentation, I realized that Karen Steinhauser is the most qualified person - EVER - to speak on this topic. With all of her years as a prosecutor, law school professor, and private practitioner, I cannot fathom anyone with more real-life experience to discuss this complex topic. She has involved herself with people at their worst and their best, seen them during their lows and highs, and always accepted them for who they are. We are all better humans because of Karen’s compassion and understanding of the human condition, and her willingness to share those attributes with our community.”
“Consistent feedback from our audience of 90+ residents and 30 Wind Crest/Erickson Living leaders was that Karen’s presentation was powerful, eye-opening, and enlightening.”