Why You Need Implicit Bias Training
How does implicit or unconscious bias affect our day-to-day lives? The reality is that each of us, no matter how open-minded we think we are, possess hidden prejudgments that influence our behavior and cause us to jump to conclusions. While having a bias doesn’t make a person “bad,” and not every bias is negative or hurtful, the inability to recognize biases can lead to bad decisions at work, in relationships and in life.
Implicit bias is widespread and can be found in every discipline. In business it can affect how decisions are made about hiring, firing, discipline, promotions and job assignments. In the legal profession, it can influence the composition of a legal team, selection of a jury and how a case is put together.
Karen Steinhauser believes it is imperative to develop an awareness of our hidden biases. Only by interrupting them can they be overcome. And, it is important to understand the source of the bias, how to recognize it when it arises and how to deal with it when it does.
Karen offers customized implicit bias training to fit the unique needs of a business, organization or government agency. She speaks extensively on the subject, offers workshops and consults with companies to develop policies to help them curb the behavior.